Natasha Misbah

Sep 6, 20191 min

INFO: Parkinson’s Support Group, Kenya.

A group of people have come together with the intent of helping those suffering from Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinson’s Plus. A multiracial group with no religious affiliations which include:

• Those suffering from the condition and their families and friends.

• Professionals working in Kenya who work with people with these conditions.

The mission of the support group is:

• To support and advise patients on PD and PD Plus and where to get help.

• Raise funds for people with PD who cannot afford the medications and therapies they need.

• Provide long-term support with others in a similar situation.

The Kenya “Parkinson’s Support Group” is a non-lucrative, voluntary association of people with Parkinson’s Disease (and closely related conditions collectively referred to as “PD Plus”), together with their family members, care-givers, and health-care professionals involved with PD patients. The group is non-denominational, and people of any faith (or no faith) are welcome; people of any race, culture, language and economic condition are welcome to participate. It has at present no dues nor official register of members. Meetings are normally held once a month and you can get to the nearest Support Group and be a part of a family.

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